Professor Ts. Dr. Azizi Miskon was born in Kluang Johor. He is currently, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) at the National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM) from 28 of March 2022. Earlier, he was also appointed as a Director of Research and Innovation Management Center (RIMC) from February 2016 until March 2022, as a deputy director of RIMC from July 2015 until January 2016 as well as the Head of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Faculty of Engineering from March 2014 until June 2015. He received a sponsorship from the Government of Malaysia for his undergraduate study in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan in 2000. In 2006 he was conferred a Master of Engineering in Biological Functions Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Makoto Kodama from the Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering. Azizi Miskon had continued his doctor of philosophy study at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Uyama and Prof. Dr. Tetsuji Yamaoka and successfully completed his study by 2009. During his doctorate study, he was attached as a trainee in the Department of Advanced Biomedical Engineering at the National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Japan to conduct research related to stem cells and bioartificial organ for the use in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. He had succeeded in differentiating cardiomyocyte from the rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, and developed storage technique for liver cell (hepatocyte) at room temperature for bioartificial liver assist system.
As the director of RIMC, Azizi Miskon has managed and driven UPNM towards a successfully secured research grants amounted about 23.3 million from various agencies from year 2016-2019 and as a result the KPI of UPNM in Malaysia Research Assessment has increased by 64% in year 2019 as compared to the year of 2014. The achievement of research in 2017 also assisted UPNM to acquire 5 stars in Penarafan Universiti dan Kolej Universiti Malaysia (SETARA) 2017. He also monitors all the 225 active research projects that are currently undertaken by academics and research officers of UPNM.
As a researcher, Azizi Miskon now continues his research concerning the effect of electromagnetic field, electromagnetic wave, and gravitational force on the stem cells behaviour. He has also carried out research regarding enhancing the efficiency of drug delivery systems, investigating advanced materials for cell tracking as well as designing renewable energy systemfor sustainable production of energy from microalgae. He currently leads 7 research projects and 10 projects as a co-researcher with research grants amounting about RM 1,431,120.00 from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. He has been awarded The World Invention Award for the innovation product called D-Cell (Defence Cell Culture System) at the British Invention Show 2014 and a trophy of King Hamad International Award. He has also won 5 special awards, 16 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 10 bronze medals at the International and National exhibitions. From his research, Azizi Miskon has produced 34 high impact journals and proceedings indexed by Scopus/ISI, 1 book published by UTHM Publisher, and 2 lecture notes published by Springer. He has supervised 3 PhD candidates and graduated 3 MSc students (by research). He is currently supervising 2 PhD and 1 MSc students.
Azizi Miskon has also been recognized by international and national level in academic leadership. He has been honoured as a keynote speaker in the 2020 International Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering, Stockholm Sweden, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition by IEEE Bangladesh section, and given the opportunity as invited speaker in various conferences and workshop held internationally such as in the IEEE-EMBS Bangladesh section, University of Sharjah UAE, and Japan Cerebral and Cardiovascular Centre Research Institute. He has also served as a reviewer for 10 high impact journals regularly. He had served as the Chairman for the National Technical Assessment Committee at Malaysia Ministry of Education. He served as executive committee for the IEEEEMBS Chapter for Malaysia Section and have been a technical and organizing committee for 8 International conferences. He is also a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology UK and registered as Graduate Engineer with the Board of Engineer Malaysia.
Azizi Miskon was appointed as a curriculum assessor for the establishment of MARA Japan Industrial Institute Beranang. Based on his outstanding performance, he was awarded Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2018, Anugerah Khas Naib Canselor 2014, Anugerah Akademik Cemerlang 2014, Anugerah Akademik Cemerlang 2015, Anugerah Tokoh Maulidur Rasul 1436H, Sijil Penghargaan Prestasi Cemerlang 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 for his academic and research excellence.
Exploring the Development of Bioartificial Organs and Stem Cells
Moderator : Prof. Dr. Mohd Abdullah bin Jusoh
In the late 1980’s, the field of tissue engineering has begun in part to coalesce around the vital clinical goal of developing substitutes or replacement for defective tissues or organs. The objectives of this study are to report on manipulating cells using well controlled in vitro microenvironments and materials composed of (1) substrates on which stem cells are adhering, (2) chemical substances leading to cell differentiation, growth, or preservation, (3) cellular geometry such as monolayer, suspension, or spheroid, (4) culture medium (aeration, pH, nutrients, flow-condition and so on) and (5) static magnetic field and electromagnetic wave excitation leading to cell growth. This study also focuses on producing beating cardiac cells from Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC), enhancing the MSC proliferation growth and preserving isolated hepatocytes in bioartificial liver assist system. The originalities of this study are the achievements in obtaining the beating cardiomyocytes from autogenic bone marrow massencymal stem cell, enhancing the number of mesenchymal stem cell under the influence of electromagnetic wave excitation environment, and the preservation of hepatocytes in bioartificial liver assist system at room temperature by control in vitro microenvironment. Fundamental practicable results obtained in this work will provide useful information and suggestion for further development in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine towards the realization of bioartificial organs in the actual applications.