Publication Ethics
The Committee of the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Science Technology (ICIST 2024) would like to invite members of the community to submit papers for ICIST 2024. ICIST 2024 seeks to promote and stimulate discussion on the latest innovations and developments in all fields of Science, Technology, Economics, and Business.
To maintain the integrity and quality of ICIST 2024 publication, the following principles of Publication Ethics are strictly adhered to:
ICIST 2024 Organiser :
- ICIST 2024 will not accept any paper that is under review, has been accepted, or has been published in any other venue at the time of submission or during the review process of ICIST 2024.
- ICIST 2024 practices double-blind peer review process by at least two referees for technical merit and content and maximizes effort to prevent any conflict of interests between the authors and the reviewers.
- ICIST 2024 will be using the iThenticate automated screening system to help verify the originality of papers and reserves the right to reject any paper with high similarity score.
- ICIST 2024 ensures that confidentiality of all information related to the submitted papers is upheld.
- ICIST 2024 implements policies to exclude authors who do not present their paper from further distribution of their publication.
As Authors:
- Authors should decide to submit to the suitable journal on their own
- Submit only original works, not previously published or copyrighted.
- The submitted papers are not concurrently submitted to other conferences/journals.
- Authors must adhere to the targetted journal paper writing format and use the template provided by each journal to create your paper, but don’t modify the style or the format under any circumstances.
- Use of all works from other sources should be acknowledged by appropriate citation and referencing.
- Any fundamental and significant error discovered in the published work must be immediately communicated to the conference organiser.
- All possible conflicts of interests must be disclosed during the submission of the first draft.
- Authors of accepted papers are required to present the same paper at the ICIST 2024.
- Accepted and presented papers will be copyrighted to journal and published in the journal, once it meets the requirements of an journal quality review.
- New authors cannot be added at the time of submitting final paper submission.
- Authors of accepted papers are required to present the same paper at the ICIST 2024. The ICIST 2024 committee implements policies to exclude authors who do not present their paper from further distribution of their publication.
As Reviewers:
- All information related to the submitted papers must be kept as confidential.
- Any detection of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side must be promptly communicated to the ICIST 2024 organiser.
- All submitted papers shall be reviewed fairly and objectively.
- Reviewers who feel unqualified to review a submitted article or are aware of any conflict of interest, which may influence the quality of the review, should promptly notify the ICIST 2024 organiser to be excluded from that particular assignment.
The review process for ICIST 2024 will be double-blind, i.e. reviewers will not know the authors’ identity (and vice versa). Authors should ensure their anonymity in the submitted papers. In brief:
- Authors’ names should not be included in the submitted paper;
- A reviewer may be able to deduce the authors’ identities by using external resources, such as technical reports published on the web. The availability of information on the web that may allow reviewers to infer the authors’ identities does not constitute a breach of the double-blind submission policy.
Preparing Your Paper
Submission Checklist
- Read the Scope to acquire an overview and determine if the following journal is appropriate for the paper you plan to submit.
- Read the Author Guidelines to gain information and resources to help you submit your paper to your desired journal.
- Use the Author Template of your desired journal to prepare your paper.
- Make sure that issues about publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, data, and reference formats have been appropriately considered;
- Ensure that all authors have approved the submitted manuscript’s content.
- To support proper peer-reviewing of your paper, it is essential that it is submitted in grammatically correct English.