Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen (JDM)

Double-Blind Reviewing

The review process for ICIST will be double-blind, i.e. reviewers will not know the authors’ identity (and vice versa). Authors should ensure their anonymity in the submitted papers. In brief:

  • Authors’ names and affiliations should not be included in the submitted paper; this includes acknowledgments, appreciation, etc., if any.
  • A reviewer may be able to deduce the authors’ identities by using external resources, such as technical reports published on the web. The availability of information on the web that may allow reviewers to infer the authors’ identities does not constitute a breach of the double-blind submission policy.

ICIST 2022 Author Guidelines for Publication in JDM

Authors of ICIST who are interested in publishing an article in the Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen (JDM) must ensure that their submission complies with all the items listed below. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  1. The article should be formatted according to JDM template and submit it through the EDAS submission system (EDAS Link).
  2. Authors are allowed to submit regular articles or review articles. The article must fall within the scientific scope of JDM.
  3. The submitted papers have never been published or are in the process of submission to other journals.
  4. The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  5. The author submitting a manuscript do have understanding that if the corresponding paper is accepted, then the copyright will be assigned to Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Semarang as publisher of the journal. To do so, we obliged the author to submit the signed Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) form (we expect author to download the document, and then scan and upload it after signed).
  6. The statement contribution toward the development of science and technology is from the new findings/ideas/opinions which prioritize the current primary references at the latest ten years. We expect the author to clearly give a statement of novelty within introductory section. (e.g. there are few numbers of research….; the novelty of this research…; etc.)
  7. The article is an empirical study. The sharpness of critically analysis and synthesis is prioritized.
  8. The article is written according to the rule of JDM and an editorial team reserves the right to revise the style of writing with a note that it does not change the intent and quality of the article.
  9. Questionnaires and other instruments. Manuscript articles that use primary data research or experimentation must also include the surveys document as the supplementary document.
  10. Authors are obliged to send the results of data processing as well as tables and the original image file via email.
  11. The submitted articles must follow the format below :
    • The article is well-written in English. The writing of foreign language is italicized.
    • Typed single space for the abstract, content and references. Written by font Times New Roman (TNR) 12pt size and indent for paragraphs is 1cm.
    • The paper size is A4 (210 x 297 mm), it is two columns and the page setup is: top margin 2.5cm; bottom margin 2.5 cm; left margin 2.25cm and right margin 2.25cm.
    • The font size for the title is TNR 14pt; it is capitalized, bolded and left justified.
    • After the title, it is followed by the author (without the title). It is TNR 12pt, capitalized each word, bolded and left justified.
    • Under the author, it is the institution and the email at TNR 12pt, capitalized each word, without bolded and left justified.
    • Correspondence address of author is listed on the left under Indonesian abstract for articles in English, accompanied by a corresponding email address.
    • The font size for the sub-part in the article is TNR 12pt, capitalized each word, bolded and left justified and without any bullet and numbering.
    • All table form as an example. Table title is placed on the table with left justified.
    • Writing the title of figures and graphics placed under the pictures with left justified.
    • The total page does not exceed 25 pages, including the references and appendices (if any).
  12. An author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and present the paper at the conference physically or online. The registration fee covers publication and conference costs (Registration link).
  13. JDM will publish the accepted and presented papers of ICIST 2024 in a regular publication.


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