Scientific articles that are submitted to Indonesian Journal on Geoscience (IJOG) should be articles as research results or reviews about geoscience of various disciplines, such as geology, geophysics, geo­ chemistry, geodetics, physical geography, and soil science. The Articles are never published or not being submitted to another media.

Articles should be written in English according to the rule of its language, and they must be completed with Abstract and Keywords. An article with content and format that does not follow this guideline will be ignored by the board of editors and the editors do not have the obligation to return the article to con­ tributors/authors.


General. The article including title, abstract, table and figure captions, footnote, and list of references are written in 1.5 spaces as an electronic file. Font used in the article is 12-point Times New Roman.

Each page of the article has continuing numbers including pages of figure and table. The research result or review ranges from 5 to 30 pages (including figures and tables). Detailed systematic order of the article are as follows:

Title. Article title, each author name, institution/affiliation name and address of each author, and if nec­ essary a footnote that consists of address, telephone, facsimile, and email for correspondence should be written in the title page.

Abstract. The abstract should be written clearly and concisely. The abstract should sum up the article theme including methodology and does not need to contain a detailed summary from each part. The abstract comprises maximum 250 words, 4 – 6 words of keywords should be written below the abstract, singular or compound word.

Introduction. This part must consist of a comprehensive description, to allow readers to understand and evaluate the research result that has been done without reading another publication/article. The introduc­ tion must consist of background, aim and objective, problem, research location, research subject, and geological or stratigraphical setting.

Methods (and Materials). If the manuscrift is a results of a geoscientific research, the research methods used including how to collect samples, field and laboratory instruments and equipments used, and data analysis framework must be explained and discribed. Moreover, theories and concepts used may be in­ cluded within this leading. Material need in the study, both field and laboratory works, such as types and total number of samples should be discribed.

Result and Analysis. The result and analysis are composed of a research result as displayed as words, tables, and figures. Please use limited graphics if the subject can be displayed as a short explanation. The limitation of using photos will be appreciated. It needs to be displayed if it can describe a better explana­ tion for the research result. All of figures and tables should be given continuing numbers and must be referred in the article.

Discussion. The discussion consists of an interpretation of the result and analysis. It should be correlated with another result having been reported.

Conclusion and Recommendation. They comprise important conclusions and recommendations within the whole part of the article.

Acknowledgment. This part may describe the source of fund used in the research. This may also give an appreciation to institutions or persons who help in research and report writing.

Reference. It must all be cited in the text and support the content; written using modified Harvard Sys­ tem alphabetically. All names of the authors must be written completely without using et al. and num­ bers. Below­ are some examples of references according to its source:


Angkasa, S.S., Ohba, T., Imura, T., Setiawan, I., and Rosana, M.F., 2019. Tephra-stratigraphy and Ash Componentry Studies of Proximal Volcanic Products at Mount Tangkuban Parahu, Indonesia: An Insight to Holocene Volcanic Activity. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 6 (3), p.235-253.


Taylor, G.H., Teichmüller, M., Davis, A., Diessel, C.F.K., Littke, R., and Robert, P., 1998. Organic Petrology.

Gebrüder Borntraeger-Berlin-Stuttgart, 704pp.

Book Section

Costa, J.E., 1984. Physical geomorphology of debris flow. In: Costa, J.E. and Fleisher, P.J., (eds.), Develop­ ments and Application of Geomorphology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p.268-317.


Barberi, F., Bigioggero, B., Boriani, A., Cavallini, A., Cioni, R., Eva, C., Gelmini, R., Giorgetti, F., Iaaca­ rino, S., Innocenti, F., Marinelli, G., Scotti, A., Slejko., Sudradjat, A., and Villa, A., 1983. Magmatic evolution and structural meaning of the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia-Tambora volcano, island of Sumbawa, Indonesia. Abstract 18th IUGGI, Symposium 01, p.48-49.


Suwarna, N., Santosa, S., and Koesoemadinata, S., 1989. Geological Map of The Ende Quadrangle, East Nusatenggara, scale 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.

Suwarna, N., Santosa, S., and Koesoemadinata, S., 1990. Geology of the Ende Quadrangle, East Nusatenggara. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung.


DAM, M.A.C., 1994. The Late Quartenary evolution of The Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Quatenary Geology Faculty of Earth Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, p.1-12.


Heidrich, T.L. and Aulia, K., 1993. A structural and tectonic model of the Coastal Plains Block, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association, 22nd Annual Convention, Jakarta, 1, p.285-317.

Unpublished Report

Bachri, S., Suminto, Satria, D., Gunawan, W., Endharto, M.A., and Susanto, E., 2001. Penelitian Strati­ grafi dan Sedimentologi di Cekungan Ombilin, Sumatera Barat. Internal Report PKIGT, Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung (Unpublished).

Information from Internet

Cantrell, C., 2006. Sri Lankan’s tsunami drive blossom: Local man’s effort keeps on giving. Http://[26 Jan 2006].


The article should be completed with supporting figures/maps/graphics/photos. Their attachments must be in Image File (*.jpg) with minimum 300 dpi in resolution, Corel Draw (*.cdr), or Auto Cad (*.dwg). Figures and tables must be put at the end of the article in separate page/s. Permission from the original author is required to display figures and tables that have been published. Times New Romans font must be used, both in texts and figures/maps/graphics/photos.


The submitted article will be published in Regular Issue 2024.


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