Focus and Scope

The Journal invites original articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The whole spectrum of intelligent informatics is welcome, which includes :

  • Machine learning & soft computing
  • Data mining & big data analytics
  • Computer vision & pattern recognition
  • Natural language processing. 

The journal publishes outcomes, as well as proposed approaches to intelligent informatics/artificial intelligence (AI), challenges that must provide evidence of usefulness and effectiveness. Applications of AI papers are also welcome, although the papers should be the present novel implementation of AI approaches that improve performance of the application domain compared to the other established approach. Therefore, an applications paper must describe a sound solution, underline its uniqueness, and provide an in-depth analysis of the AI approaches that were used to solve the problems.

This journal accepts original research articles and reviews. The journal operates a double-blind peer review policy. Original research could be fundamental and applied papers that should have a compelling motivational discussion, articulate the research’s relevance to Artificial Intelligence, clarify what is novel and different to the other works and anticipate the work’s scientific impact, include all necessary proofs and experimental data, and provide a scientific discussion of the paper’s connections to existing literature. Reviews considerable effort to evaluating and publishing scholarly articles that provide comprehensive and principled reviews of significant existing and emerging research areas. It should be has a clear position of the paper and findings that articulate scientific issues of interest to the AI research community.

[updated on December 7, 2018]


SCImago Journal & Country RankInternational
Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics is a peer-reviewed
open-access journal. The journal invites scientists and engineers
worldwide to exchange and disseminate theoretical and practice-oriented topics of advances in intelligent informatics within
the whole spectrum of intelligent informatics. The scope includes, but
is not limited to, Machine Learning & Soft Computing, Data Mining
& Big Data Analytics, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, and Natural language processingSubmitted
papers must be written in English for the minimum requirements of the
initial review stage by editors, and a further review process by a
minimum of three reviewers.

Since October 2017, the journal has been ACCREDITATED with “A” or “1st” grade (the highest grade, SINTA 1) by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia
as an achievement for the peer-reviewed journal that has excellent
quality in management and publication. The recognition published in Director Decree No. 48a/E/KPT/2017 October 30, 2017, & No. 51/E/KPT/2017 December 4, 2017, and No. 30/E/KPT/2018 October 24, 2018, valid until 2022. IJAIN has been ACCEPTED for SCOPUS indexing since June 5, 2018.

accepted and published papers will be freely accessed in this website
and the following abstracting & indexing databases:

The journal has been listed in

Before submission,

You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the IJAIN paper TEMPLATE, has been carefully proofread and polished, and conformed to the author’s guidelines.